



International Activity-国际行动

Our MMUN Conference 2011 was our most international yet. Chinese student delegations joined us for the first time and were a wonderful addition as they collaborated with students from Canada, Mexico, Sweden, Japan, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands and a coast to coast cross section of US students from Hawaii to New York. To date students from several countries have participated in the MMUN conferences.

2011 MMUN模拟联合国峰会是最国际化的。此次,中国代表团第一次加入了峰会,这无疑是一次美妙的加入。他们与来自加拿大,墨西哥,瑞典,日本,波多黎各,维京群岛等地,还有从夏威夷来到纽约的学生建立了很好的协作,。到目前为止已经有多个国家的学生加入了一年一次的MMUN蒙台梭利模拟联合国峰会。

MMUN is an excellent program for opening dialogue and fostering understanding and cooperation with young people around the world and therefore we are exploring opportunities to open up to the world, to give a greater number of students access as we move to become as international as the organization we model.


The participating schools from around the world have all received notoriety. Beijing, Nanjing and Zhengzhou received extensive local media coverage and in particular from the nationally recognized Chinese television producer Ms. Xinping Li who came to film, for Chinese Educational Television, this important event.


Xinping has directed and produced major productions on western education and has been following the MMUN from its inception. At the 2008 conference, she told us about the interest Chinese students would have in participating in the MMUN and thoughtfully spoke with us about how they could participate.


We always want to inspire students to explore beyond their national borders and with the help of our Asia Relationships Director, Giacomo Forte, we have begun implementing the MMUN program in Chinese schools. When we began working with the China schools we felt that we were making history. Just as the US reestablished diplomatic relationships with China in the 70’s, this was the first time that a Montessori based Model UN program was permitted to be taught as an after school or in school program by the Chinese Educational System. From the start we knew this was going to be an important collaboration between China's educational system and MMUN. We also believe that this model will open many opportunities for MMUN students on all continents and have already begun work with our European schools to expand the program with a Geneva based MMUN conference, opening the doors to providing an even greater number of students a truly international MMUN experience.

我们一直鼓励学生在亚洲区域总裁Giacomo Forte先生的帮助下去了解他们的邻国。我们的MMUN项目已经在中国学校中开展。当我们在学校中开展了MMUN项目时我切实的感觉,我们是在创造历史。正如中美于70年代重建外交关系,这是建基于模拟联合国的蒙台梭利教育项目第一次被中国教育系统允许在国内学校中开展。MMUN与中国教育系统开始第一次的重要合作。我们相信项目会为MMUN学生创造很多机会去了解世界,并且我们已经在与欧洲的学校合作计划增加MMUN日内瓦峰会活动。为更多的学生提供参与真正国际化的模拟联合国峰会的机会。

When discussing the program, Giacomo Forte stated, “With the globalization and the rise of new economies it is more important than ever to promote international knowledge, and encourage students to understand and respect their peers from different countries. It just made sense to make the MMUN program available to students from China. Their participation has presented a unique chance to increase and promote understanding and friendship as well as international awareness to all MMUN students through the sharing of ideas, values and experiences.”

当讨论方案时,Giacomo Forte 先生说“与国际化接轨、促进经济增长的同时我们更应该认识到增加国际知识的重要性,鼓励学生去理解和尊重来自其他国家的同龄人。从参加过MMUN活动的中国学生身上我们可以看到他们的成长。他们通过参与这独一无二的峰会活动建立了与其他国家的MMUN学生良好的理解沟通、友谊以及国际意识,他们互相分享自己的想法、价值观和经验。”

The experience had a profound effect on the Chinese participants and has provided them with an understanding that they are global citizens with an opportunity to share their culture with the rest of the world while appreciating the cultures of others.
We are looking forward to the return of our international students and meeting the students from even more countries when they attend the Montessori Model United Nations 2012, demonstrating our commitment to Peace Education and Global Citizenship.




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